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Well one problem I can point out....

It's drum and bass...yet it seems it's mostly revolving around the drums. In fact they were a little too loud, so I couldn't really focus on much else, unless that's the point with Dnb no idea. Yet I have to say with some louder synths and bass this would most likely be some cool shit. Also, about a minute in, the drums were kind of obnoxious in my opinion... Would it be wrong of me to suggest (knowing that I know nothing of dnb) to have a mellow part, followed by a breakdown of some sort? Maybe toss in some other snares, or some toms? sounds like it'd be cool to me :P

LavitzSlambert responds:

Frankly, I am not a DNB expert myself, but from what I've heard from people, DNb, as its title implies, revolves mainly around drum. Usually also, the rest is mainly the bass or other small percussions, sometimes a synth. A description I got from DNb is: imagine you have huge subwoofers, well you have to feel the drums blast you off totally yea.

As for the way I did it, I guess I could've used different snares and toms, but doing DNB beats isn't as simple as it may seem. I mean if you wanna do them from scratch. I used a sample which I sliced and modified according to what I wanted to have. And, generally DNB use relatively the same beat throuhout the whole song, but varie more on the rest, like I did ^^.

Lastly, DNB is a genre that is not appreciated by everyone^^ I can understand perfectly if you like it more or less or not at all ^^

But, you're feedback is very welcome and I appreciate the comment, thank you
have a good one

P.S.:A DNB expert could give ya more info on that ^^, I tried my best to explain.

Sounds kinda good...

Sorry it sounds kinda good, and not really good. The notes sound kinda mixed up. The percussion thing is perfectly fine, in fact if you like that, I suggest Andy Mckee, he does a very similar thing, and make that part of his music.

A lot of the notes sounded like they were either out of tune or played by accident. Try this again, just work a little bit harder at this, and I'm sure you can make something great out of it.

Goh-Akumi responds:

Appreciate it. As I said, I recorded this months ago. And, I'm aware of Andy McKee, he's one of my favourite musicians. Nonetheless.
I appreciate your input.
I would try it again, but the problem is, it was a purely improv session, that is, every single part of it, from the harmony to the lead to the bass-type voice.
The only thing that is easily redoable is that pulse of percussion.
But thanks, I will keep these things in mind.


Is that clicking noise part of the kick. or just an alternate sound effect added?
Also I don't know about this.... like it's cool and all, what sounds cool about it, is how it is almost like an orchestrated techno song, if you know what I mean. Is that what you were going for? Well I'd like to see you extend this, get some length in there, it feels like videogame bgm, so you should try to make it loop. It seems really badass and all, much like a boss fight, or could be used for a fast-paced level in my opinion. Would go good for a sonic the hedgehog type game.

Put some more work in this man! Also don't worry about the kick! It suits it just fine, in fact I like it. ^_^

Goh-Akumi responds:

The click is actually supposed to be a hat, to tell the truth.
Nonetheless, thanks for your opinions!
I have a lot of work left to do on this one, and knowing that some people believe I should, really encourages me.

Hmmm... Interesting.

the percussion is odd to me, but maybe that's the point with "lol wut?" Either way some of the synths are okay. The one that kicked in around :45 kind of annoyed me XD but then I got used to it. Also I think it would've been better had the intro synth kicked in before the hats. When everything got together 1:00-1:10 then I started liking this.

Good job overall.

Cani responds:

haha thank you for the review, i actually loaded this on to show a friend, but feedback is always nice, i'll try to work on it.

Hmmm.... I was never big on Sonic3.

I don't know, sonic2 was awesome to me. And if any song I wanted to see remixedm it'd be Marble Zone, Or Casino Night/Oil Ocean. Housemasta did a good remix of oil ocean.

I gotta say this is probably better than the original to me, but still, this song just doesn't go well for me. I mean I like how it seems kinda soft, but it seems like it doesn't feel sonic, kinda like starlight zone. (i like that too :D)

Anyway good job though.
Think about doing Marble Zone please? =\

Jostone102 responds:

Thanks for your review. Sorry to hear that Ice Cap Zone's music isn't much of interest to you, but after I finish some hefty schoolwork, I will consider redoing Marble Zone. This should be in about 1-2 weeks.

Short, and a little repetitive.

I don't wanna vote, because I don't know if it'd be fair (I'd give it a 3) and I don't wanna make it look bad.

Just gotta say, I understand it's a remix of sorts, but a little improv doesn't hurt anyone, or custom riffs. maybe a part to lower the tempo, or octave, just to make it less droll(not completely sure If that's what I mean to say or not).

But it's good, and I know how to say something in Italian (pronouncing of course) Siamo Fredi! :D

SFaPiL2 responds:

Please DO vote. An average or low (honest) score is better than nothing. Especially since there are 0-bombing idiots around, as you might have noticed (I mean, this "song" doesn't deserve a 5, but it also doesn't deserve a 0 as well; c'mon that's for white noise!).

I appreciate your review and, yes, my song is nothing special really (especially since it was done 3-4 years ago!). Ok, it's good to know that the tempo should've been lowered and the pitch of the Formant preset as well.

Thanks for the review.

Bella zio! (equivalent: "later bro")


I'm not putting 6 because I dislike it, it's just this song... is odd. You got guitar solos, and also the piano to clocks, by Coldplay. Which I don't quite understand.

It needs some work though...because in a lot of parts, I don't really hear anything much at all. The drums are nice though.

Hyper-Freak92 responds:

The piano part isn't the same as clocks. It's the same rhythmic permutation, with different notes and chords entirely.

I would say I disagree with you in a lot of aspects, but I suppose to each his own opinion. Let's put it this way: I've sold a couple hundred dollars of albums on iTunes in only a few months with the album this track is on -- I must be doing something right.

Thanks for taking the time to review though. I always appreciate people speaking their mind, even if I disagree.



Redo it with a better synth for vocals or whatever. Ugh Beginning was loud and horrid. and The synth for the vocals is screechy and evil. lol
Change those and I'm sure it'd be beastly.

JollyJasian responds:

Yeah well there's not much I can do about the volume. The program registers all the instruments at once. And it was a flute, clarinet, alto sax, and trumpet for the lead vocals. Not synth, technically, though everything would be synth if you were to consider any computer-generated sound to be so. However, I agree, it is too loud. The instrument sounds on this program suck, and reverb doesn't help either.

Oh man Yes!

BRAVO! I was Enveloped in kick-assedness in the very beginning! Glad to see you took something great, and turned COMPLETELY EPICLY GREAT!
5/5 10/10
Good job!

Krussi responds:

haha, glad you liked it ;D I'm still suprised that I finished it in 2 days xD Thanks for the review and the awesome scores :D

Beats, I make them.
Compliments, I take them.
Expectations? I hope to break them.

Mark @monk1




Watertown, NY

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